Zoë and Haydn won 1st place in their respective categories of the oral presentation sessions at the 2024 Canadian Undergraduate Medical Physics Conference (CUMPC) on August 22-23, 2024.
Congratulations Zoë and Hadyn!
Congratulations Dr. Allen!
Harry won the Carleton University Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement for his PhD in the LAMPE Lab, "Development and Application of a Multimodal Coherent Raman Scattering Microscope"
Dr. Allen is headed to the Oakridge National Laboratory as a Research Associate. Way to go Harry!!
Spring 2024 Funding Success!
CANDU Owners Group (COG) strategic R&D contract for developing Non-linear Optical Imaging Techniques to Identify Signatures of Low-dose Ionizing Radiation Exposure
NSERC Alliance: for developing rapid portable biodosimetry along with Profs. Sanjeena Dang and Anatoli Ianoul (Carleton), Health Canada and LightMachinery Inc.
International Research Seed Grant (Carleton) for initiating collaborative research project with Dr. Jamie Inman at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
December 18, 2023: Congratulations Dr. Allen!
Harry successfully defended his PhD in Biomedical Engineering (first one through Physics department) ! Harry's PhD thesis, "Development and Application of a Multimodal Coherent Raman Scattering Microscope" has been nominated for a Carleton University Senate Medal.
Excellent work Harry!
2023 Invited Talks: Congratulations Sangeeta !
Sangeeta gave an invited talk on August 28th on the application of Raman spectroscopy for biodosimetry at the 17th International Congress for Radiation Research (ICRR) which happens once every four years.
Sangeeta presented an invited talk on "New Approaches to detect low dose effects" at the Federal Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) workshop organized by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in Ottawa on October 5th.
Fall 2023: LLAMPE Team is growing again!
Welcome to new medical physics graduate students Teresa Buragina and Parminder Riarh who will join the LLAMPE team! Teresa will start her MSc and Parminder will start his PhD (part-time).
Spring 2022 Funding success !
NSERC: Sangeeta renewed her Discovery Grant!
NSERC Alliance International Catalyst: to initiate collaborative research with Dr. Aidan Meade (TU Dublin), and Prof. Ganesh Sockalingum and Prof. Olivier Piot (U. Reims, France).
New Frontiers in Research Fund-Exploration (NFRF-E) grant; Sangeeta is the co-PI and Rowan Thomson is the lead PI.
February 2022 Cristian's first research article published !
Congratulations Cristian for your IEEE I&M Magazine article; well done!